6:00 PM18:00

Tikanga and Technology

  • Lecture Theatre 1 Te Aro campus, 139 Vivian Street (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The exhibition is open for public viewing before the start of the presentation at 6.00pm

Presented by Karl Johnstone, owner Huami (NZ) Ltd.

For many years Karl has been involved in the perpetuation of Māori arts and culture. This has often led to his careful analysis of the interfaces between culture and commerce; continuity and innovation; and compliance and resistance. He considers the interface of tikanga and technology to be a critical area to further unlock Māori potential and expand opportunities into the future. In this talk, he will illustrate some historic and emerging initiatives and discuss the importance and considerations of new technologies within the Māori environment.

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6:00 PM18:00

ADOPT ADAPT ADEPT: Tracing the trajectory of New Zealand’s design-driven innovation

  • Lecture Theatre 1 Te Aro campus, 139 Vivian Street (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The exhibition is open for public viewing before the start of the presentation at 6.00pm

Presented by Michael Smythe, designer and partner Creationz Consultants

Design is human-centred, holistic and integrative. It is the borderline where the contradictions and tensions exist between the quantifiable and the poetic—the field between desire and necessity (Katherine and Michael McCoy, 1990.) In the twenty-first century this joined-up approach is called Design Thinking. It is the way successful design-driven teams work to align usability, feasibility and viability with desirability. Michael’s presentation extracts the points of difference that have positioned New Zealand design through the process of adopting, adapting and becoming adept.

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3:00 PM15:00

Invitational Workshop: Energy Transitions

  • VS204 VUW Faculty of Architecture and Design (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Lead: Alan Brent

This workshop addresses the challenges of current and future energy performances in the built environment, as well as the limited uptake of the opportunities offered by new innovations related to distributed clean energy, with a shift from consumers to prosumers. The workshop will explore a new holistic approach to catalyse the systemic change necessary to transition New Zealand’s built environment, and pave the way towards a comprehensive R&D programme to facilitate energy-related innovation in this sector.

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1:00 PM13:00


  • VS204 VUW Faculty of Architecture and Design (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Lead: Robin Dykstra

Smart Health Device Technologies seek to make healthcare more accessible and inclusive through electronic and computing technologies.  We aim to provide a new stimulus in building a health device technologies cluster in the region – in areas such as medical diagnostics development, health informatics, big data, home based healthcare systems and assistive devices for aging populations – in the pursuit of better experiences for Clinicians, Patients and Families.

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6:00 PM18:00


  • Lecture Theatre 1 Te Aro campus, 139 Vivian Street (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

6.00 - 6.20pm Mihi followed by opening address: Professor Grant Guilford Vice-Chancellor

6.20 - 6.35pm Introduction Peter Haythornthwaite “The design-led enterprise”

6.35 - 7.15pm Panel discussion “How does Design shape New Zealand’s Design-led Enterprise”


  • Timothy Allan, founder Locus Research and chief executive Ubco Bikes

  • Victoria Spackman, director Te Auaha, New Zealand Institute of Creativity

  • Peter Haythornthwaite, owner Creativelab and Victoria University Adjunct Professor of Design

  • Karl Johnstone, owner Huami (NZ) Ltd

  • Stephen Cummings, Victoria University Professor of Strategy and Innovation (chair)

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3:00 PM15:00

Invitational Workshop: The 4D Printing Empowered University

  • VS204 VUW Faculty of Architecture and Design (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Lead: Ross Stevens

Victoria’s Industrial Design department were early adopters of 3D and 4D printing and are now established as world leaders in the field. Our specialised in-house knowledge produces leading edge research, and we are constantly expanding and seeking new partnerships, with applications in medicine, visual effects for film, sustainable design, architecture and more.

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1:00 PM13:00

Invitational Workshop: The Intelligent City Research Centre

  • VS204 VUW Faculty of Architecture and Design (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Lead: Marc Aurel Schnabel

The Intelligent City is characterised by integrating technology to secure sustainability, citizen well-being and economic development, calling on VUW’s leadership in the research and use of big data, sensor technology and the internet of things. A sustained commitment to these areas will spearhead a contemporary way to design, govern and support key decision making activities for cities globally.

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9:00 AM09:00

Invitational Workshop: New Zealand Indigenous Technologies Partnership

  • VS204 VUW Faculty of Architecture and Design (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Lead: Derek Kawiti

We are pioneering the practice of embedding new technologies into the seat of traditional knowledge (Mātauranga Māori) within iwi domains, to support indigenous development, cultural empowerment and innovation ‘on location’.  These technologies  –  computational formats, digital tools, and machine fabrication – combine with new partnership models to augment traditional iwi practices and material culture.

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